Swim with Becky
Swimming Lessons and Early Water Experience Classes
Booking Form for Bath Babies
Congratulations! You have started the process for signing up for Bath Babies sessions with me. I have taken steps to remove all of the paperwork from the business and the booking form is one of those pieces removed. I am replacing it with an online form to capture all of the relevant details.
Please only complete this form if you have confirmed a session time and day with me directly.
By completing this form you agree that your details can be used whilst you are using my services to contact you in relation to your booking.
If at any time you need to update any of the details provided you do not need to complete this form again, please email bathbabies@swimwithbecky.co.uk

Terms and Conditions V1.23
Updated 01 July 2023
Booking enquiries can be made online, over the phone or in person but places will only be confirmed once payment is received. A booking form will need to be completed fully and returned online.
Invoices &Payments:
All sessions are paid for in calendar month blocks.
New bookings will have an invoice and link for the booking form and terms and conditions sent via email. For transparency my terms and conditions are available on my website.
Your place will only be confirmed once full payment has been made.
Spaces are held on a rolling basis and you will receive an invoice the week before your last session is due for the next block. Should you wish to stop attending sessions I do ask for at least 2 weeks notice prior to the current block ending.
Payments are to be made by bank transfer only.
Should you wish to cancel your booking, or cannot attend for any reason no refund will be given.
I do not offer credits or refunds for general sickness, injury or holidays. For longer term illness or injury that can be supported with a doctors note please contact me directly to discuss the situation and I will try to accommodate you as best I can.
No refunds will be given for non-attendance.
Where lessons are cancelled by myself for any reason, where possible I will try to organise a catch up lesson that week or during that current block. If this is not possible then you will have this credited to your next invoice.
It is the responsibility of the adult bringing the child to the session on-time and I usually suggest arriving at the venue around 5 minutes before your session commences. If you are late to your session then you will only be entitled to the remainder of your booked session with no refund or credit for the time missed.
Class structure:
All Bath Babies sessions are designed for up to 8 adult and child pairs, unless classes are specifically marketed as 1:1 or bespoke groups.
Parents/Carers/Guardians of anyone who is 18 years or younger need to remain in the onsite for the duration of the lesson for the safety and wellbeing of the child.
Personal Belongings:
No responsibility is taken by myself for the loss or theft of personal belongings. If you do misplace any items please check with myself for anything cleaned up from a session.
Dress Code:
Adults: Please wear what you feel comfortable with and can move around easily in.
Baby: Baby can either have their bath with no additional layers on, or baby can wear a swim nappy - it is what you feel most comfortable with.
Standards of behaviour:
I aim to make all sessions as inclusive and fulfilling as possible, and to enable to me to do so it is important that customers act appropriately at all times. In order to make expectations clear please ensure you review the following statements.
1) I agree to respect other customers, staff members and their belongings.
2) I agree to respect all equipment that is provided for the purpose of the classes, but also any building fixtures and fittings.
3) I will respect the venue and immediately report any damage to Becky.
Along with the above verbal (both face to face or via technology) and physical abuse to any other persons will not be tolerated, which includes swearing, using insulting language,
Medical Conditions:
It is essential that on the booking form any medical conditions or learning difficulties are declared so I can ensure all requirements are met. Any medical conditions coming to light once booked must also be notified in writing.
Although the guidelines with regards to covid-19 have now been dropped I ask that you do not attend lessons if you or you baby, any accompanying adults or anyone in your household have symptoms or have tested positive for Covid-19. In addition to this if you have been advised to self-isolate then please ensure you follow this.
If you arrive at a lesson and the swimmer or accompanying adult are showing symptoms of covid-19 (or any illness) I retain the right to cancel your session and request you leave the premises immediately. This is for your own wellbeing as well as everyone else's in attendance. This also includes symptoms appearing during lessons where we will end the session and request you return home.
We ask that you help us to help keep all of our other customers and instructors safe, and allow us to continue delivering these much needed classes by following this guidance.
This also covers any contagious illness such as seasonal colds, flu and bugs.
Mobile phones are welcome for photos, however no videos of the sessions are permitted except by the class instructor.
By paying and attending sessions you are agreeing you have read, understood and agree to all of the terms.